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Manage call flows efficiently - Call Queuing

Manage call flows efficiently - Call Queuing


3 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

Easily reduce call abandonment rates and control the flow of calls to your team when you use call queuing with our cloud-based VoIP phone system.

At Yay.com we are always trying to find ways to help our customers better manage their VoIP calls. One such feature that we offer is 'Call Queuing'.

Using this feature, customers are able to handle their inbound calls with great detail and this can be applied throughout a number of scenarios:

Taxi company - Using the 'Ring All' Ring Order

Taxi Companies receive many calls all at once during a busy period. This means that they may have lost customers who hang up when their call goes unanswered and the customer may choose to use another company.

Call Queuing allowed them to implement hold music, estimated waiting time, or simply the option to leave the queue and leave a voicemail. This meant that the company were able to handle every call that came in, even at their busiest period.

Employees can also manage their own workload with short codes allowing them to toggle their queue availability through our Yay.com mobile and desktop calling app. This means that available drivers can temporarily remove themselves out of the call route and free drivers can add themselves back in at the touch of a button.

Office Reception Scenario - Using the 'Sequential - Restart with Each Call' Ring Order

Call Queuing is applicable to tons of situations, even small offices with a receptionist. Calls can be pointed towards the reception in the first instance, but then have the call passed around other subsequent users if the receptionist could not answer.

The sequential feature resets with every new call so the reception would always be the first user that would be reached out to.

This meant that the company did not miss the calls that were due to come through to them, but every phone did not ring in the first instance, allowing the company to be as productive as possible.

Sales Team Scenario - Using the 'Sequential - Across all calls' Ring Order

Sales teams are also able to implement a fairer ring order for their staff using our call queue system feature.

With the 'Sequential Across All Calls' feature we could ensure that each member of the sales team received an equal number of calls in the queue. Once a user has answered a call they will be put to the back of the queue.

This way of call queuing also ensures that each member of staff spends an equal amount of time on the phones. After each call has ended the user will be added back into the group after a short delay, which allows for staff to do the appropriate admin after each call.

We hope that these scenarios help you see how call queuing can be a big advantage to your business. Should you wish to discuss further please get in touch and we will be more than happy to run through the Call Queuing features offered with our VoIP Phone System as well as help you determine which of the ring orders would be most suited to you.

If you are not already a Yay.com customer please head here for your free trial and see how our VOIP system can help you make your communication cheaper and easier.

Manage call flows efficiently - Call Queuing

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Article By

Victoria - Technical Support Analyst at Yay.com


Technical Support Analyst at Yay.com

ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service
ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service