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Check Domain Name Availability: How To Do a Bulk Domain Availability Search

Check Domain Name Availability: How To Do a Bulk Domain Availability Search


4 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

Use Yay.com's domain name availability checker tool to search for, find and identify newly available domains in bulk.

So you're just starting a new business, have thought up a great new business name and are wondering, is this domain name available? After all, if someone else already owns that domain name, it can be difficult to establish your own unique identity online. Your domain name is your calling card on the web, so be confident that it both stands out from the crowd and is available to register for your business. If you're thinking of getting some office stationery printed up too, conducting a domain name search as your first step will also save on any unnecessary reprinting costs should your dream domain name already be registered to someone else.

Domain Name Availability Search With Yay.com

So how do you check domain name availability? With Yay.com’s instant domain name search tool, you can query the availability of as many domains as you like all at once, entered manually or with the aid of a CSV file. According to the domain search results you receive, choose whether to purchase domain names that are available right now, backorder those unavailable domains you need the most, or transfer domains that you already own to Yay.com.

Backordering, transferring or buying domains can all be initiated within a few clicks from the domain search results page. Domains can be added to your basket and, when ready, you’ll be able to pay for these services in one go, at which point we’ll either register your domains instantly or initate your transfer or domain backorder.


Search across dozens, hundreds or even thousands of domains at a time with Yay.com's bulk domain name search tool.

Buy Domain Names with Yay.com

Once you’ve identified that some of the domain names you’re interested in are available for purchase, act quickly to capture them by buying domain names with Yay.com. This is something you can make easier by implementing a domain name backorder. By backordering a domain name with Yay.com, we’ll do our best to acquire the domain for you if and when its current holder lets ownership expire. Whilst we’ll do our utmost and have a strong reputation for securing domain backorders, success isn’t guaranteed since the current owner can still choose to renew their domain until it drops. However, we're so confident in our domain snapping skills, that you'll  only pay for your backorder when we successfully secure the domain for you.

Manage Domains with Yay.com

With your new domains firmly in your grasp, you’ll be able to manage your domains with Yay.com. With domain name features like domain labelling and filtering, plus bulk actions including assignation of DNS templates (create as many custom templates as you like of your own) and/or Nameserver groups, no other registrar makes managing domains quicker, simpler or easier. This gives you back the time you need to manage your domain name business effectively.

Transfer Domains to Yay.com

We’re sure you’ll love having your new domain names with Yay.com enough to want to move any other domain names you presently own across to us as well. To do this, just enter the list of domains you’d like transferred and their respective authorisation codes into our bulk domain name transfer tool. Each name can be entered individually, or you can upload a CSV file to save you time.

Whilst your domain transfers are ongoing or pending, you’ll be able to track their progress from within your dashboard. Our intuitive user panel provides status updates by domain, so you’ll always know which stage your domain names are at with use of the handy filters available. You’ll also be able to select options to ‘keep current name servers’ or to update DNS records as your domains are brought across to ensure your website or online service remains active at all stages of the transfer. Not only that, but by using Yay.com’s domain management platform to set up your DNS records while your transfers are ongoing, you can have everything ready to go for when your domains arrive with us.

Choose to pay for your one-year renewal at checkout and your domain name transfers themselves will be free, too. So what are you waiting for? Get started and search for available domains now with our free domain name availability checker.

Check Domain Name Availability: How To Do a Bulk Domain Availability Search

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Article By

Alex - Content Manager at Yay.com


Content Manager at Yay.com

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