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CRM business phone system integration

CRM business phone system integration


3 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

Integrate your CRM solution with our business phone system and enjoy the business advantages it brings.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions offer businesses the technology to easily to manage existing and potential customer relationships. Integrating your CRM solution with your business phone system can improve productivity, efficiency and client experience. Here are just 5 of the advantages phone system CRM integration brings.

Real-time caller interactions

For sales teams keeping track of interactions made with clients, customers and leads can be an invaluable asset. Rather than manually typing notes such as the time of call or phone number, phone system CRM integrations can do this automatically. Automatic call activity logging makes notes of customer interactions, including call recordings too. So if you ever need to refer to a previous interaction with a client, it’s all there and readily available to the agent in no time.

Increased efficiency for your team

Integrating your CRM with a business phone system brings with it greater productivity benefits for your team. For example with Click-to-Call features, manual dialling of phone numbers is greatly reduced. Click-to-Call turns on-screen phone numbers into links and clicking them instantly calls the contact. With call interactions also available at a glance, it becomes quicker to find out at which point in the sales cycle the lead is at without any hassle.

An enhanced experience for callers

Integrating your CRM with your business phone system ensures that your contact’s profile is always to hand. Contact synchronisation gives agents the means to see who is calling and their contact history before the agent picks up the call. With this in mind it is possible to anticipate the needs of the caller prior to speaking to them, resulting in a more efficient call and affording the caller a better overall experience.

Greater team management

With call logs and histories clearly visible within your phone system, it is possible to gain valuable insights into team and agent performance. See details such as number of calls taken per day and average call times. These details in turn can help guide agent training and sales strategies.

Flexibility and easier collaboration

Phone system and CRM integration makes it altogether easier for agents to access call recordings, call histories and voicemails. CRM integration also makes it easier for teams to collaborate whether they are in the same office or spread over multiple locations. With softphone apps, calls can be made and received on laptops, desktop computers and smartphones too. This flexibility means that the best agents can be hired no matter where they’re based and no matter what device they prefer using.

At Yay.com™ it is possible to integrate our high quality business phone system with popular CRM solutions such as Pipedrive, Hubspot, Zoho and Capsule CRM, as well as Slack and Click-to-Call browser integrations too. Find out more about each of our integrations on our CRM integrations page and get started today. With the ease and flexibility of our CRM integration, we're sure you'll be closing the hottest leads in no time!

CRM business phone system integration

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Article By

Adrian - Digital Marketing at Yay.com


Digital Marketing at Yay.com

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