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Call Routing Improvements and Upgrades

Call Routing Improvements and Upgrades


6 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

Our call route page has been updated! Drag and drop is back; it's never been easier to configure your VoIP system's call routes.

We are pleased to announce an update to our call routing page. Our front-end team has been adding flourishes and improvements here and there to improve responsiveness and fluidity, as well as intuitiveness of design.  Business VoIP has never been so easy to manage or control.

Existing Yay.com customers may already have noticed the changes. Whether you’re a current Yay.com customer or not, here we’ll describe some of the key improvements.

Key Improvements

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop functionality is back; call routing modules can now be dragged into a specific spot in-between existing modules or tagged onto the end of your route.

Modules can still be added to a call route by clicking, though this will always add the module on to the end of the call route.


With drag and drop, it’s even easier to configure your VoIP phone system to your liking. Play instructive sounds, on-brand hold music, or begin a conference bridge simply, quickly and easily.

Enhanced Usability

With the latest updates, once an end-call module is added to your call route, newly incompatible modules (other end-of-call modules) will turn inactive in the side panel, taking the guesswork out of your call route creations!

Those modules that can be added anywhere in your call route still appear as active, so you can continue plugging them in where you like!

Greater Accessibility

Call routes are now more accessible dashboard-wide. Numbers and time diaries that are associated with particular call routes now provide links to their call route, so you can access a particular call route from within your phone numbers and time diary pages, making the transition from thought-to-action faster.

Mobile Dashboard

Our mobile dashboard has also received some significant boosts. New compact and panel views increase legibility and speed of comprehension, whilst modules are now draggable on mobile too!

Add to the above a slew of aesthetic improvements, as well as boosted performance on less widely used browsers and you have a tangible upgrade to an already powerful Yay.com feature.

Module Breakdown

Wondering what each module does? Here’s a rundown:

Send call to user(s)/external/trunk

Often the first module in the route, this is the primary module you’ll want to use for most basic or primary call routes. Essentially: ‘when a call comes in, send it to this destination’. This can be a single Yay.com user, a group of Yay.com users (hunt group), external number (specific number not linked to a Yay.com user) or a SIP trunk.

Press 1, Press 2 Option

Use this module to implement an IVR call menu into your call route. Touchtone menu options give the caller control over where the route goes next. E.g. ‘press 1 to speak to an advisor’, then route to your customer support hunt group. ‘Press 2 for returns’ and send through to your returns team hunt group.

Dial User by Extension

This module gives callers a chance to call through to a specific Yay.com user in your account using their extension. Only use this option if callers to the number linked with this call route are likely to know the extension of who they are trying to call!

Caller ID Routing

Route to another module based on how certain logic conditions pertain to the incoming caller ID. e.g. if the caller ID is ‘anonymous’, route to a particular module. Or, if their caller ID begins with a particular set of numbers, then route to a different module.

Call Queueing

When you have one or more call queues set up, this option will become available. Queue notices can be used as well to keep your customer informed during their time in the call queue. This can be with information such as:

  • Their position in the queue
  • Average waiting time
  • Any custom audio you’d like to use

With this module you can configure the following call queue aspects:

  • Direct your callers to a specific queue group
  • play them a specific queue notice
  • specify the hold music for them whilst they’re in the queue
  • specify an initial announcement when they enter the queue
  • Choose the calling tone to use when ringing.

You can choose to continue the call route after a number of minutes have elapsed, or upon a shortcode press. A call whisper option to inform active agents that someone new has just entered the call queue can also be configured with this module.

Play a Sound

This will simply play a sound of your choice as a prompt to the customer that an event has been triggered. For example, a beep can be triggered on the event of a call queue timing out before the call route hangs up the call. This gives the caller a little more information.

Send to voicemail

Does what it says on the tin! With this module, you can prompt the caller to leave a voicemail at the mailbox of your choice. Within the module, you can set an access code to be able to access your mailbox from anywhere by calling the number associated with this call route.

Hang Up

No explanation necessary - this module will end the call.

Repeat Routing Option

Use this to repeat any given routing option at any stage of the call queue. This is very useful, for example, to send callers back to an IVR menu after a call queue timeout or similar.

Conference Bridge

Use this module to link a number to a conference bridge and to configure that conference bridge to your liking. Configuration options include:

  • Setting the pin for the conference, so only those who know the pin are able to call into the conference.
  • Setting hold music for those waiting to join the conference.
  • Enabling/disabling announcements as members join or leave the conference.
  • Setting default or custom audio to play as a greeting for those entering the conference.

Send to another call route.

e.g. if a call queue times out, or the caller selects a particular IVR menu option, you may want to just send them to a different call route.

Send to Trunk

If your VoIP phone system uses one or more SIP Trunks, you can use this module to send the call to the trunk. In order for this option to become active, you will, of course, need at least one SIP Trunk configured in your account.

Receive Fax

This module will enable you to receive fax at this number. Specify an email address within the module itself in order to receive an alert by email that you have received a new fax.

Call Routing Improvements and Upgrades

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Article By

Alex - Content Manager at Yay.com


Content Manager at Yay.com

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ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service