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Is Yay.com GDPR Compliant?

Is Yay.com GDPR Compliant?


3 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

With upcoming General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into play on May 25th, learn what steps we have taken to ensure we're GDPR compliant.

It's a hot question, we get asked a lot right now. So we thought we'd blog all about it. Needless to say, you’re damn right we’re GDPR compliant.

You can read more about how we've always been secure in this blog post…

You can read our latest Privacy Statement here (amended and notified to all for GDPR!)

You can read about our take on GDPR and Call Recordings here…

We've always taken your privacy and data very seriously, but with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) coming into play on the 25th May 2018, we took it to another level. Some of the additional steps we have taken include:

An updated privacy statement

We've re-issued our Privacy Statement to make it clearer how we look after your privacy, comply with GDPR and care even more for your privacy

Reduced the data we gather

We've made our sign up much simpler and reduced the amount of personal data you have to provide us with until we absolutely require it to provide our services to you.

Easier communication preferences

We've made it much easier for you to choose how we communicate with you via the new preferences tab under "Your Account”.

Service provider review

We've reviewed all the partners that we need to share selective personal data with to provide our service. We've documented how we process data with them and ensured our contracts afford the protection you and us need.

A clearer cookie policy

It’s now featured prominently on our home page.

Call recordings updates

From the 25th May 2018, you'll be able to delete any, or all, call recordings directly from “Your Account”.

Call history updates

From the 25th May 2018, you'll be able to anonymise any, or all call histories that you hold with us directly from “Your Account”.

Domain WHOis data

We've attended and contributed to multiple international ICANN meetings (The international body responsible worldwide for Global Top Level Domains), conference calls and stakeholder groups to determine how domain ownership data is managed and still obtained by law enforcement where and if legally necessary. Right now ICANN requires this data to be publicly available when you don't use our free privacy service. We will join registrars worldwide in protecting this data in line with ICANN's revised requirements and EU laws before 25th May.

All the above details ensure that you can be confident when dealing with us, now and in the future.

Is Yay.com GDPR Compliant?

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Article By

James - Business Support Analyst at Yay.com


Business Support Analyst at Yay.com

ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service
ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service