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What Does Yay.com Offer? Our Services At A Glance

What Does Yay.com Offer? Our Services At A Glance


4 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

Already using Yay.com as your business phone system provider? Learn more about our other services including domain name management and UCaaS.

Yay.com offers many market-leading services in addition to our VoIP phone system. If you’ve used us for only one of these services for a while, you might be interested in how you can leverage more of our great services to make business easy. Here’s a rundown of what those services are.

VoIP Phone System

Ok, you probably already knew about this one, but Yay.com offers a leading business phone system, with powerful features like granular call statistics and reporting, call recording that can be toggled on or off globally or for individual users and a modular call route creation interface that makes creating your ideal caller experience a breeze. With features like these, you can trust Yay.com to provide you with the tools you need to create the best possible caller experience for your customers, boosting business, reputation and making it easier than ever to manage inbound and outbound lead generation.


Yay.com's modular call route creation interface makes it easy to create the best caller experience possible for your customers.

Business Instant Messaging (Unified Communications)

Never comfortable sitting still, business instant messaging and secure file-sharing are now available to all Yay.com customers using our business phone system. Now a fully-fledged unified communications platform, the Yay.com desktop and mobile apps offer an instant messaging service that’s end-to-end encrypted and tightly integrated with our stellar voice call experience. Call other users in a click from an open chat, create group chats for your teams and jump straight to an associated dedicated conference bridge configured from your user dashboard - it’s all possible with Yay.com.


Switch fluidly between instant messaging and voice calling with our Unified Communications platform.

Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Integration

Microsoft Teams’ user base has grown more than five-fold since November 2019. As a unified communications system, it’s a package deal that’s difficult for businesses to turn down. Its business phone system, though, is rather too restrictive for many. The solution? Replace Microsoft Phone System in the back-end with Yay.com’s powerful hosted VoIP platform via our Teams Direct Routing integration. Create your ideal phone system with Yay.com’s intuitive tools while your staff continue to interact via the Microsoft Teams user interface, retaining all the integration with other Microsoft products and services like Onedrive file storage, Office apps and Outlook email.


Already using Microsoft Teams as your UCaaS platform? Power-up Teams' phone system with Direct Routing for MS Teams.

Domain Names Management Platform

As a domains registrar, Yay.com sells all the domain names you could possibly want at great prices. What’s more, we offer a domain name management platform with time-saving features including DNS Templates and Nameserver Groups for bulk assignation, labels for easy location and bulk tasks like enabling/disabling auto-renew, locking/unlocking domains and applying/disabling privacy. Such features make it fast and easy for you to organise your domain names efficiently. With admin tasks taking less time, you’ll have more time to focus on business growth.


Purchase and manage domain names efficiently and cost-effectively with Yay.com.


With all of Yay.com’s tools and services combined, you get the flexibility and the tools needed to conduct business your way. A secure, lightning-fast Unified Communications platform available as a standalone UCaaS solution, or an integrated Direct Routing solution for Microsoft Teams, with a built-in, parallel service for managing all of your business’ domain names, Yay.com even makes available a VoIP API and Webhooks which your own developers can use to build your own tools and integrations.

If any of our services sound of interest, don’t hesitate to contact us with any further questions. You can also sign up for a free trial of our UCaaS platform or get started right away by comparing our plans.

What Does Yay.com Offer? Our Services At A Glance

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Article By

Alex - Content Manager at Yay.com


Content Manager at Yay.com

ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service
ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service