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The Yay.com Free VoIP Trial

The Yay.com Free VoIP Trial


4 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

With a 14 day free trial to Yay.com, you have a zero-cost, zero-risk period to try out any and all of Yay.com’s powerful features. Here’s what you can expect when you sign up.

What You Can Do With Your Yay.com VoIP Trial

Once you’ve confirmed your email address and phone number, your free VoIP trial account will be ready to roll. Immediately, you’ll be assigned a free phone number (yours for the duration of the trial) which can be used with our VoIP apps or linked with a SIP user from your dashboard for use with a VoIP desk phone.

You’ll be given three SIP users, each with their own extension, for internal calling, too. Each one can be assigned to a separate device and all three can be linked to your free phone number for incoming calls by creating a new call route.

By default, when you first log in to your trial account you’ll find a call route already in place and assigned to your trial account’s new phone number, as well as the first SIP user in your account (the one assigned to extension 1001). When someone calls your trial account’s number, this call route will direct them the call to the device linked to your first SIP user. If there’s no answer, it will be sent through to your voicemail mailbox (also configurable within your account). This call route can be edited to your liking and can be as complex or as simple as you like.

You’ll be able to create as many call routes as you like and assign them to your three users either singly or by combining your users into a hunt group; a collated group of users that can be treated as a single object from within your Yay.com dashboard, allowing you to easily bunch users into logical groupings by department, role or authority within the business.

With only three users at your disposal, it’s up to you how you configure them. You may want to assign each one a level of authority in your system. One might represent the CEO, another a member of middle management, and the last a newcomer.

This would make for a handy exercise in learning how Yay.com’s member roles and permissions work. Even on a Yay.com trial account, you’ll be able to create your own member roles and name them to your liking, assigning sections of the account that members of this role will have control over. Your users can then be assigned that role and, when they login to the account, will have control over only those parts of the account that you’ve allowed them.

What Isn’t Possible With The Free Trial

You won’t be able to add any more users to your trial account or any new phone numbers to the trial without upgrading to a full plan.

Use your time with the trial to get to grips with the platform. Stretch your creativity and construct the most robust, efficient phone system you can with your three users and your one phone number. You’ll be surprised just how capable a phone system you’ll be able to create for yourself with such a small configuration.

During your trial, you probably noticed some of the features reserved for Enterprise customers, such as our integrations, cloud storage and unlimited call recording. If at any time you need help with an aspect of your trial or would like a particular feature or section of the platform explained to you in detail, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll be more than happy to assist you directly in showing you how to get your trial system set up just the way you want it.

Then, if and when you feel ready to upgrade to a full plan, you can do so simply and easily on the Yay.com site or by calling us.


In this article we’ve discussed SIP users, call routes, hunt groups and more, including call recording, custom audio and member roles/permissions. This is just scratching the surface of what you’ll find yourself able to do with the Yay.com VoIP trial. For an in-depth discussion of particular features, how they work and what is possible with them, give our technical support team a call or take a look at our business phone systems features features page.

Remember, the only restrictions on your trial are the number of phone numbers and users you have, as well as the number of minutes for outbound calls you’ll be able to make. You’re limited to five minutes per day of outbound calling on a trial account and this restriction will be lifted as soon as you sign up for a full plan. You can sign up for a free Yay.com 14 day free VoIP trial here.

The Yay.com Free VoIP Trial

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Article By

Alex - Content Manager at Yay.com


Content Manager at Yay.com

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