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Click-to-Call and CRM Integration boosts productivity

Click-to-Call and CRM Integration boosts productivity


5 min read

Blog Articles

Quick Summary

Find out how Click-to-call functionality and CRM Integrations can boost profit and productivity for your business.

As a busy business relying on high-volume outbound calling to profit, it is natural to want to keep call costs down. Migrating your business’ phone system to an experienced VoIP provider like Yay.com is sure to bring a smile to your face at the end of each billing period (take a look at our VoIP phone system features and VoIP price plans to see why). However, there is another way in which switching to a cloud-based business phone provider can benefit your business: enhanced productivity!

With click-to-call functionality, your employees can be chasing down deals 10x faster. Hand-in-hand with our Yay.com CRM integrations, click-to-call offers truly remarkable enhancements to office productivity. To experience click-to-call right now, download our Chrome or Firefox browser extensions and, rather than fumbling with the keypad of your hardware phone, simply click any phone number in-browser and the entire dialling process will be taken care of for you.

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It takes time to develop muscle memory with a keypad and even the fastest typer in your business will take a few seconds to input the phone number and double-check that it is correct. For a sales team whose average member makes 100 calls in a day, half a second per dial vs 5-10+ seconds per dial offers found time in excess of 15minutes a day. This is not insignificant, but add-in time saved in the elimination of human error via mistyped numbers and the multitudinous advantages of:

  • - automated call logging
  • - call recording
  • - voicemail transcriptions
  • - a universal online phone system that can integrate with CRMs including Pipedrive, Hubspot and Capsule


…and you have a business phone system offering a clear step-up in both productivity and profit. As an added bonus, the Yay.com desktop app provides click-to-call functionality for phone numbers in Excel; all you need to do is append the ‘tel:’ prefix to the number.

Pipedrive: Sales All Day

Running with the example of a sales team, import your Pipedrive contacts into your Yay.com account or enable two-way contacts synchronisation to see contacts seamlessly integrated between both platforms. Once contacts are synced, simply search for the contact and, via the browser extension, click their associated number to call them. Cut down on unnecessary steps and, with fewer moving parts to worry about, each member of your team has additional mental bandwidth to dedicate to upselling that deal or to delivering the very best customer service. Whatever your business needs, click-to-dial is a small but powerful feature that should not be overlooked. Combined with Yay.com’s CRM integrations, you have a powerful and rich feature set purpose-built to catapult your business past the competition.

Digging Deeper with CRM Integrations:

The purpose of a CRM, or Customer Relationship Management system, is to improve business relationships with customers. Collected and collated data, presented beautifully in automated graphs and charts, puts you in the strongest possible position to make informed decisions that will maximise the efficacy of your business’ interactions with these customers. However, no level of technological efficiency can stand in the way of the next most powerful method of interaction after a face-to-face meeting: a phone call. If you can’t meet in person, the most personal and efficient method of communicating information is over the phone (be it a video call or voice only). If you are failing to log key details of these phone calls, then your business is lacking data essential to its optimal development.

All of Yay.com’s CRM integrations, including Hubspot, Zoho, Capsule and Pipedrive include contact synchronisation, detailed call logging and call recording. This all takes place seamlessly and automatically, leaving the mind free to focus on what really matters. Missed a key detail in your notes? Listen to the call again. Need to identify the call by its time and duration? No problem. Now that you’re clued-in on those forgotten details and you’re ready to proceed with the pitch, simply click the client’s number on-screen to call them. With Yay.com’s CRM integrations and click-to-dial, the bumps-in-the-road of your workflow will be steamrolled into the productivity highway you’ve dreamed of.


Whether you’re concerned with acquiring new leads for your business as a marketer, converting these leads into customers in sales, or in supporting your existing customers in customer support, any employee in any department can benefit from the simple but powerful functionality of click-to-call. Take this to the next level by integrating Yay.com.com with your CRM of choice to log vital call data and help us help you grow.

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Click-to-Call and CRM Integration boosts productivity

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Article By

Alex - Content Manager at Yay.com


Content Manager at Yay.com

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