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Upcoming and Ongoing Top Level Domains (TLD) Releases in Q4 2020

Upcoming and Ongoing Top Level Domains (TLD) Releases in Q4 2020


3 min read


Quick Summary

Exciting new Top Level Domains like .forum, .rugby and .cpa are upcoming releases in Q4 2020. Learn more about new, ongoing and upcoming TLD releases.

There are a number of exciting TLD releases both underway and upcoming as 2020 comes to an end. We’ll talk about what these are and why domainers are excited about them.

.cpa TLD

CPA stands for ‘certified public accountant’ and is a TLD entering its limited registration period on 2020-11-05, moving into General Availability on 2021-01-15.

For any accountancy firms or individuals looking to represent themselves or offer their accounting services online, a domain on a .cpa TLD could lead to greater authority on search engines for associated, accounting-related searches. There’s always the chance that this will result in greater traffic to your website and, subsequently, greater business.

The .cpa TLD is a restricted domain, meaning only special groups are eligible to apply for one of these TLDs. As you might guess, only CPA firms are eligible. Applicants will need to prove certified status before being granted a token allowing registration of a domain under this TLD.

In case you weren’t aware, you can perform your own domain name registration with us at Yay.com, as well as resell or backorder domains through us.

Sports TLDs: .basketball and .rugby

For sports-specific businesses, teams and clubs, sports TLDs represent an exciting way of putting themselves on the map.

At nic.rugby, a statement reads that the .rugby old is “the place for Rugby community members at every level: nationally, internationally, provincial, club…”. The new TLDs .basketball and .rugby will be joining other sporting TLDs like .soccer, .yoga and .ski.

.rugby is currently in the Community Priority Period and has not yet moved into General Availability, for which .basketball will become available on 2021-02-08.

.forum TLD

.forum is an unrestricted TLD entering its sunrise phase on 2020-11-15. This means that, as yet, it’s unavailable for registration. As an unrestricted TLD, though, it will be available for use by the general public, rather than being restricted to one particular group.

.contact TLD

For services that revolve around in-person or over-the-phone human interaction, .contact is the perfect TLD. Mental health and samaritans services will be well placed to benefit from a .contact TLD.

Entering its General Availability phase in December of this year on 2020-12-09, a .contact Top Level Domain will soon be available to all.

Other Upcoming TLD Releases

  • .gmo: Sunrise Period to begin 2020-11-30
  • .zuerich: Qualified Launch Program to begin 2021-02-04

Other Ongoing TLD Releases

  • .bot: Limited Registration Period to end 2020-11-03
Upcoming and Ongoing Top Level Domains (TLD) Releases in Q4 2020

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Alex - Content Manager at Yay.com


Content Manager at Yay.com

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