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Yay.com Supports 119 Calls

Yay.com Supports 119 Calls


2 min read


Quick Summary

Yay.com supports calls to the new Covid-19 test and trace 119 phone number.

Yay.com supports calls to the new Covid-19 test and trace 119 phone number.

Ofcom has announced that the 119 phone number will now be used to contact NHS services responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, the 119 number is to be used in line with the coronavirus track and trace initiative, which aims to quickly identify those with, or at risk of catching, the virus.

The 119 number is now operational and calls to this number are fully supported by the Yay.com platform.

Initially suspected to be a positive move to ease the load on the 111 phone number and its call handlers, the 119 number is, in fact, in place for those with coronavirus symptoms to book a test for the virus.

The official advice is to book a test online wherever possible at nhs.co.uk/coronavirus, “or call 119 if you have no internet access.”

The 119 number now stands alongside other designated three-digit emergency and non-emergency phone numbers, such as 999 and 111.

Calls to the number will be free of charge.

Emergency and Non-Emergency Services Phone Numbers

Yay.com also supports all other emergency and non-emergency services phone numbers, in addition to the 119 phone number. A comprehensive list of these follows:

  • 999 (UK emergency services)
  • 119 (Coronavirus test booking)
  • 111 (NHS direct)
  • 101 (Police, non-emergency)
  • 112 (EU emergency)
Yay.com Supports 119 Calls

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Article By

Alex - Content Manager at Yay.com


Content Manager at Yay.com

ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service
ISO 27001 Business Continuity Accreditation ISO 22301 Business Continuity Accreditation Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance G-Cloud accredited by the Crown Commercial Service